Monday, September 28, 2009

Happy Fall

Today was a perfect fall day. The sun was shining down on my face and the air was crisp. I was out all afternoon enjoying the day and braving the grand opening of a new store, Magic Mart, in our local mall. Don't know if you have this store in your town, but it has a little bit of everything, like Walmart, but it has name brand clothing, shoes, handbags, and off brand furniture.

A few weeks ago we experienced a sudden storm and it rained buckets! During this storm hubby opened the garage door and we got unexpected company. These beautiful dogs ran in to get out of the rain. I didn't recall these dogs from our neighborhood so I called a couple neighbors to see if they knew who they belonged to. I know I would be worried if my dog was out in this storm. No one knew them so I just figured they were from an adjoining development. When the rain stopped we tried to shoo them out of the garage, but they wanted to stay. Whenever I would go inside they would race to the door to come into the house. My dog, CC, stayed in the house and growled knowing there were strange dogs in her garage.

When I uploaded this picture I wondered why the left side of the picture was uneven. It is because the freezer is standing there. If you look closely you can see the freezer, but don't look at the messy garage. I said don't look!!

Back to my story. When all efforts failed to shoo the dogs from the garage when the rain stopped, I suggested hubby to walk out on the driveway and call the dogs and then I would I close the garage door. This worked. I thought hubby would come in through the front door, but he sat out in his truck until the dogs left. Men!!!

I am going to try very hard to get back to blogging on a regular basis. Hope you all are doing well.


Patti said...

your blog looks so cute! I too am trying to get back to blogging regularly. I have missed it! So be sure and stop by mine when your making your rounds!

Shirley said...

Hi Linda...I, too am trying to get back into posting on a regular basis again....and, yes it was a wonderful fall day yesterday. I love the cooler weather. I hope those dogs found their way back home...nice of you to take care of them....letting them stay in out of the rain. Where is the Magic Mart?

Suzy said...

Me too!!
Sounds like everyone's been derailed from blogging. Life is so busy!
I will be visiting more often.

Lazy Daisy said...

Just dropped by to say I'm back. I have to put up catch up posts. Hope you are well. Miss you.

storyteller said...

Interesting experience with the dogs. Labs are pretty smart critters. Hope they found their way home. Glad SOMEONE is getting rain. We've not seen any of the wet stuph in far too long.
Hugs and blessings,

Renee said...

Linda, how are you? You have definitely been missed! Hope all is well in your neck of the woods.