Sunday, March 1, 2009

So Sad

This is how I've been feeling the past few days. So far the tears haven't poured, but my heart is breaking! My son recently learned he will be transferred to Oklahoma City by June. He moved back here from Alabama almost 3 years ago. This was the first time one of my kids lived near by in 15 years. Since my son moved back he met a wonderful girl, got married and now has a precious daughter, Josey who is 2 weeks old. I have gotten so attached to this sweet baby and now she will be moving away. The company my son works for has also offered him a good package if he would choose not to move; however the package to move is far better. The next couple weeks he will be exploring other options, but the package he has been offered to stay with the company would be hard to turn down.

I spent this afternoon with my son and his family. I want to spend as much time as I can before he moves away. My greatest fear is once he moves he will not be coming back to West Virginia because there are few opportunities in his field here.

Last week in bible study we learned a new word Peripety which means "The sudden turn of events that reverses the expected or intended outcome of events." Peripety is the hinge when destiny changes. I've been thinking of this word all week and how it has touched my son, his family and me.

Until next time.


L Harris said...

Aww, Linda, I'm sorry you are so sad. We live far from both sets of parents. Yesterday after a birthday party my 7yodd said to me, "That little girl is so lucky. Her grandma just lives down the road. We have to drive for days and days and days to see our grandma." said...

Oh Linda, I am so sorry to hear this. I know in these hard times he has to do what is best for his family but that doesn't make it any easier on you.

Looks like you will be comming out our way to the Midwest for some wonderful visits with your son and his wife and that beautiful baby!!! I live up in Missouri and two of my girls graduated from college from a school in OK.

This is my second visit today and that is something for this old lady!! But when I read the headlines on your blog I had to come back and tell you I love you and will be praying for you. hugs Grams

Baba said...

Hi Linda, you make me sad hearing this news about your son and his family moving in June.. I hate living 5 hours away from my little grand babies!!! We miss out on so many daily things by not living close to them..My 6 year old granddaughter Emma wants me to move to Atlanta... if it were up to me, I would sell my house and move in a heartbeat!!!I know you are very sad and will miss your new granddaughter..hugs, Baba

Lazy Daisy said...

I'm so sorry, I know how it feels to have your kids living far away from you. We've just started Skype video visits with our 2 year old grand daughter.

Brenda said...

How hard that has to be. Praying the Lord's very best for you and your son and family.

Patti said...

oh Linda, my heart is breaking for you. I dont know what I'd do if one of my kids moved far away. I am lucky that I have one about 1.5 hours away and the other is 2.5 hours. It would break my heart if I couldnt see my little granddaughter.

Renie Burghardt said...

Oh, I am sorry, Linda. I know how you feel. Maybe it will work out somehow. Will say prayers for you, my dear.

Hugs and blessings,


Ramblins of a middle-aged goddess said...

Oh, Linda..I feel so badly for you..Because I know how you heart breaks. Moving here we had to leave other grands and my parents and that was hard but you know it has been the best move..When I lived in Illinois Maddie was only 2 and she was here. I used to cry everyday and then when I would hear that small voice on the phone well i just would loose it. i know so well how you are feeling..Mike and i just decided that we had to move here..great plan!!
Yes I know now how fortunate i am to be close to maddie and garrett!! Never a dull moment but would not trade it for a thing..I wish that I could help you in some way...Sandy

Mary said...

Oh, I feel so bad about this, Linda.

SmilingSally said...

I know just how you feel. My daughter and SIL moved ten years ago. They have 4 children. Long distance grandchildren are not as much fun.

Raymonty said...

Touch my hand at my blog and I will give you serenity.

Susan said...

Oh Linda, I am heartbroken over this. It made me want to cry too. I'm praying for all of you.



Shirley said...

I am so, so sorry for you. I know how you must feel. I know how I would feel if that were to happen to me. I love my grandchildren and my children. The thought of them moving far away would just about crush me. You can only look to His promises....He has a reason. My heart does hurt for you.


Rosy said...

It is hard to let go...something I think all mothers including Aunts goes through this as well, I miss many of my nieces and their children ever since much of the family had moved off...

I hope your son makes a good choice, it is so hard for one to even hold on to a job these days plus on top of that get a great take home pay.

"Hey can I used that little excuse to give to my doctor the next time I see him as to why I can't loose weight either!?! Ha Ha Ha that is a good joke.

Thank you for leaving your comments at my blog.

Marsha said...

How well I understand how you're feeling and how I wish neither of us had to experience the distance from our children and grandchildren!

Cherdecor said...

Linda, Linda, I am so sorry to hear this. It is always difficult to have family live so far away. Talk to the Lord about it. You never know what might happen.

Suzy said...

I have been in your situation...
I only see one of my three grandchildren on a regular basis, the other 2,once a year.
Just give it to the Lord and he will help you through this.

SandyQuilts said...

I'm so sorry. BUT here's a suggestion. Buy 2 HUE webcams ... then you can talk and see your sweeties anytime of the day or night. Then download Skype and you're all set to go FREE.

They are very inexpensive $14-$20 and can be purchased at WalMart, KMart and the like. Plus online too.

We have one as does DH's sisters, our grandchildren and friends. It's wonderful.